symbol program

英 [ˈsɪmbl ˈprəʊɡræm] 美 [ˈsɪmbl ˈproʊɡræm]

网络  符号程序



  1. Symbol, price, and quantity are passed into ILOG from the market data that is processed in the Streams program.
  2. BSS stands for "block storage segment"( originally," block started by symbol"), and the memory reserved in the BSS section is initialized to zero during the start of the program.
  3. The book held sway as a symbol, not a program of ideas, which is why it lent itself so readily to propaganda uses.
  4. A computer is a fast and accurate symbol manipulating system that is organized to accept, store, and process data and produce output result under the direction of a stored program of instructions.
  5. Along with the development of children's TV program and the arrival of information society, the television news of children is more and more important. Starting broadcasting the television news of children has already become an important symbol of the developing children's TV program.
  6. The algorithm for balance formula based on symbol is an automatic calculation method, which decodes the formula written as symbols and produces a machine language program to be executed with compiler theory.
  7. In this paper, how to apply the techniques of pattern recognition, symbol execution, program transformation and knowledge engineering in decompiler design is presented.
  8. The first fault can be tested through defining the symbol of first fault in the program.
  9. The legal system content is a basic symbol of the legal system program on television distinguished from other programs, is the starting point and the foothold of the legal system program.
  10. The creating technique of a rock symbol library is a kernel of plotting column by a computer. It has a direct effect on the quality of a rock symbol pattern and the program availability.
  11. How geography cell partitioned, projection selected, information selected and symbol designed are done in theory and How program designing is made are included in the fourth chapter.
  12. Symbol execution based on control flow and data flow is described in the translating assembler program into intermediate program.
  13. The program function modules are designed at first, including fault alarm and symbol table. And then, the principal PLC programs are finished, including main program, soft-start subprogram, the reactive power compensation subprogram and touch screen software design.
  14. The symbol registry table being resident in DSP memory is a specialty of this system. It makes user program can call other programs such as system functions.
  15. We adopt concurrency method, and use the knowledge of the number theory, such as the Legendre symbol and the the congruence equation to construct some families of the opaque predicates that are suit for Java program.
  16. Meanwhile, a method of dynamically allocating symbol IDs for plug-ins by host program is brought forward to put an end to name repeating phenomenon. This method also reduces the coupling degree between host program and plug-ins.